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em Fevereiro 05 2020

O Reino Unido pode remover o limite salarial de £ 30,000 para o visto Tier 2

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By  editor
Atualização do Abril 02 2024

Tier 2 or the General Work Visa of the UK is for those who have an employment offer for a skilled job in the UK. It is necessary that you should be offered a salary of at least £30,000 per year to qualify for the Visa. However, the UK may soon scrap the £30,000 salary threshold requirement for the Tier 2 Visa. The UK plans to move to a points-based immigration system by the end of the year.  The country plans to scrap the minimum salary requirement as part of the many Visa reforms included in the new immigration system.


Pós-Brexit, Boris Johnson liderou o governo. planeja implementar um sistema de imigração baseado em pontos no estilo australiano até o final de 2020. Um relatório publicado pelo The Times diz que Johnson pode eliminar o limite salarial do visto Tier 2.


The minimum salary requirement was introduced by Theresa May, former Prime Minister, during her stint as the Home Secretary. Under current rules, it is mandatory for skilled non-EU workers to have a salary of £30,000 per year to qualify for the Tier 2 Visa. The salary threshold for recent graduates from UK Universities is at least £20,800. The UK Govt. asked the Migration Advisory Committee in 2019 to look into the minimum salary threshold. The Govt. was worried that skilled professionals would be hesitant to apply for jobs in critical sectors in the UK. It is still not clear, as part of the new immigration system, if the minimum salary threshold would be removed completely, increased or decreased. It is expected that completely removing the salary threshold could be opposed as the Tory MPs want the UK to keep a check on immigration.


O limite salarial mínimo para o visto Tier 2 tem sido extremamente impopular no Reino Unido. Muitas empresas no Reino Unido estão lutando para recrutar pessoal qualificado, pois não conseguem oferecer um salário de £ 30,000 por ano. Uma pesquisa de julho de 2019 afirmou que dois terços de todos os empregos no Reino Unido tinham salários inferiores a £ 30,000 por ano.


Aspiring immigrants will now need to wait and watch how the new UK immigration system unfolds later in the year. Y-Axis offers a wide range of Visa and Immigration services as well as products to overseas immigrants including Visto de Empreendedor Tier 1 do Reino Unido, Business Visa for the UK, Study Visa for the UK, Visit Visa for the UK, and Work Visa for the UK. If you are looking to Estudo, Trabalhar, Visitar, Investir ou  Migrar para o Reino Unido, fale com a Y-Axis, a empresa número 1 em imigração e vistos do mundo.


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