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em Março 06 2019

Embaixada da Índia nos Emirados Árabes Unidos alerta contra chamadas falsas

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By  editor
Atualização do Março 30 2024

A Embaixada da Índia em Abu Dhabi alertou os imigrantes indianos nos Emirados Árabes Unidos em relação aos fraudadores. Estes utilizam indevidamente o número de telefone da Embaixada para enganar os imigrantes em dinheiro.


A public notice has been issued by the Embassy of India in Abu Dhabi. It says that some anonymous individuals make calls to the people living in the UAE. This is through the telefone 02-449 2700 and claims to be from the Embassy of India. The callers ask the people to deposit cash in diverse accounts, diz o aviso.


The Embassy informed the general people that it does not make any such phone calls. If anyone receives such phone calls, they have to immediately inform the Embassy of India. This is by sending an e-mail para


The Embassy of India said that it has also contacted the local authorities in UAE. This is for addressing this issue of fake phone calls being made on behalf of the Embassy of India. The notice has been posted on the twitter page of the Embassy. The Consulate General of India in Dubai has also cautioned regarding a similar fraud in October 2018.


 In this instance, the fraudsters made calls to victims and claimed to be from the Indian Consulate. They asked for cash to settle supposed violations of the immigration rules.


A scam of a similar kind was also uncovered by Gulf News. The imposters pretended to be making calls from Imigração Dubai. This is for extorting money from victims’, particularly Indian immigrants. It was again for the supposed violations of immigration rules. 


The Consulate of India in UAE had acknowledged the fake phone calls that were made from 04-397 1333 e 04-397 1222. These wrongly claimed to be from the Consulate of India. These fraudsters asked the victims to transfer cash in diverse accounts for supostas violações das leis de imigração. However, the numbers were not of the Consulate of India in UAE.


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